About the Alliance for Bhikkhunis
What is Alliance for Bhikkhunis (AFB) and What Do We Do?
About the Alliance for Bhikkhunis

What is Alliance for Bhikkhunis (AFB) and What Do We Do?
AfB was founded in 2007 by Susan Pembroke, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to help support bhikkhunis and to support the revival of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in the U.S. and around the world. Susan was inspired by Ayya Khema, and also by seeing the plight of bhikkhunis who had to disrobe because of the lack of support for their basic needs.
Theravada bhikkhunis and bhikkhus take vows comparable to Christian ‘vows of poverty’. Because of their Vinaya (code of monastic disciplinary rules) nuns cannot directly ask lay practitioners to address even their most basic needs. Their only possessions are their robes and their eating bowls. They cannot drive, handle money, hold jobs, cook their own food, plant crops for food, nor many other things. They are totally dependent on others for everything in their lives. Choosing to live in this way is an act of great faith!
Fortunately, we are all able to invite (Pavarana) their requests and respond as we are able. As we hear from the nuns with their needs, we support them depending on available funds and the donations we receive. We also post requests for larger projects on our website. Go to our projects page >>
How does AfB raise funds? Quite simply—from all of you! Nearly all of our support comes from individuals who are inspired to help. To see how we have spent the funds raised in 2016 and the projects supported, go to bhikkhuni.net/projects-funded-2016/
In addition, another important AfB mission is to educate lay practitioners about the essential role bhikkhunis play in preserving the dharma. This 2600 Anniversary Year Issue is part of that effort. You can learn more about bhikkhunis and bhikkhuni news from our website and Facebook page.
With your help, we will be able to support the next generation of Buddhist women monastics, and future generations to come! We accept donations via Pay Pal; please go to http://www.bhikkhuni.net/dana-offerings/. You can also send a check make out to:
Alliance for Bhikkhunis
PO Box 90854
San Diego, CA 92169
May All Beings Be Happy!
AfB was founded in 2007 by Susan Pembroke, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to help support bhikkhunis and to support the revival of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha in the U.S. and around the world. Susan was inspired by Ayya Khema, and also by seeing the plight of bhikkhunis who had to disrobe because of the lack of support for their basic needs.
Theravada bhikkhunis and bhikkhus take vows comparable to Christian ‘vows of poverty’. Because of their Vinaya (code of monastic disciplinary rules) nuns cannot directly ask lay practitioners to address even their most basic needs. Their only possessions are their robes and their eating bowls. They cannot drive, handle money, hold jobs, cook their own food, plant crops for food, nor many other things. They are totally dependent on others for everything in their lives. Choosing to live in this way is an act of great faith!
Fortunately, we are all able to invite (Pavarana) their requests and respond as we are able. As we hear from the nuns with their needs, we support them depending on available funds and the donations we receive. We also post requests for larger projects on our website. Go to our projects page >>
How does AfB raise funds? Quite simply—from all of you! Nearly all of our support comes from individuals who are inspired to help. To see how we have spent the funds raised in 2016 and the projects supported, go to bhikkhuni.net/projects-funded-2016/
In addition, another important AfB mission is to educate lay practitioners about the essential role bhikkhunis play in preserving the dharma. This 2600 Anniversary Year Issue is part of that effort. You can learn more about bhikkhunis and bhikkhuni news from our website and Facebook page.
With your help, we will be able to support the next generation of Buddhist women monastics, and future generations to come! We accept donations via Pay Pal; please go to http://www.bhikkhuni.net/dana-offerings/. You can also send a check make out to:
Alliance for Bhikkhunis
PO Box 90854
San Diego, CA 92169
May All Beings Be Happy!