Present Magazine

Welcome to Present Online
At the full moon of September 2016, we began a year-long commemoration of the 2600-Year Anniversary of Mahapajapati’s going forth into monastic life. This marked the founding of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, as well as laying the groundwork for all women in robes […]
A 2600 Year Journey
It has been 2600 years since Mahapajapati Gotami requested that women enter the monastic sangha. Since that time, the Theravada bhikkhuni order flourished and then waned. After having virtually disappeared, the order is experiencing a strong, vital resurgence in recent years. Read more on bhikkhuni history.[…]

If You Honor Me, Honor My Mother Gotami
With the revival of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, it is enriching to look back at the stories of the early bhikkhunis. Read this fresh look at the story of the mother of bhikkhunis by Jacqueline Kramer […]
What Buddhism Gave Me
Munissara Bhikkhuni recounts her childhood visits to the Buddhist temple with her Thai mother and the depression of her young adulthood that drew her back to the Dhamma, and eventually to ordination […]
A Sima of Flowers
An Interview with Ayya Anandabodhi and Ayya Santacitta by Donna McCarthy on the historic 2011 Bhikkhuni Ordination at Spirit Rock. […]
The Great Inquiry
A glimpse into the adventuresome and independent spirit that brought this pioneering Western bhikkhuni to the Buddhist path by Jacqueline Kramer […]

Venerable Saddha Sumana
In the revival of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha, the most Venerable Saddha Sumana is a groundbreaking bhikkhuni. She has been appointed and serves as a bhikkhuni preceptor in transmitting the full bhikkhuni ordination to women both in her home country of Sri Lanka and internationally […]
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni has written this article for Present, describing her journey to become a Theravada Bhikkhuni. She is the first modern Thai woman to receive full ordination and is Abbess of Songdhammakalyani Monastery. […]
Bhikkhuni Kusuma
This article, written by Venerable Dr. Bhikkhuni Kusuma for the Sakyadhita Newsletter, describes her journey to become a bhikkhuni […]
Ajahn Candasiri
This article by Ajahn Candasiri describes her journey to become a 10-precept Siladhara. Inspired by Ajahn Sumedho’s teachings, she began her monastic training at Chithurst as one of the first four anagārikās. […]

Women of Wisdom, Women of Power
Commemorative reflection by Tathālokā Therī on the lunar anniversary of the Parinibbāna of Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī Therī, founding mother of the bhikkhunī sangha […]
Honoring Those Worthy of Honor
Commemorative essay by Tathālokā Therī offered on the occasion of the 2600th anniversary of the bhikkhuni sangha & 30th anniversary of the first contemporary Theravāda Sāmaṇerī Pabbajjās. (PDF) […]
Book Review – Stars at Dawn
Review by Mary Grace Orr of the book by Wendy Garling on the forgotten stories of women in the Buddha’s life. […]
At the full moon of September 2016, we began a year-long commemoration of the 2600-Year Anniversary of Mahapajapati’s going forth into monastic life. This marked the founding of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, as well as laying the groundwork for all women in robes […]
It has been 2600 years since Mahapajapati Gotami requested that women enter the monastic sangha. Since that time, the Theravada bhikkhuni order flourished and then waned. After having virtually disappeared, the order is experiencing a strong, vital resurgence in recent years. Read more on bhikkhuni history. […]
If You Honor Me, Honor My Mother Gotami
With the revival of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, it is enriching to look back at the stories of the early bhikkhunis. Read this fresh look at the story of the mother of bhikkhunis by Jacqueline Kramer […]
Munissara Bhikkhuni recounts her childhood visits to the Buddhist temple with her Thai mother and the depression of her young adulthood that drew her back to the Dhamma, and eventually to ordination […]
An Interview with Ayya Anandabodhi and Ayya Santacitta by Donna McCarthy on the historic 2011 Bhikkhuni Ordination at Spirit Rock. […]
With the revival of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, it is enriching to look back at the stories of the early bhikkhunis. Read this fresh look at the story of the mother of bhikkhunis by Jacqueline Kramer[…]
In the revival of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha, the most Venerable Saddha Sumana is a groundbreaking bhikkhuni. She has been appointed and serves as a bhikkhuni preceptor in transmitting the full bhikkhuni ordination to women both in her home country of Sri Lanka and internationally […]
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni has written this article for Present, describing her journey to become a Theravada Bhikkhuni. She is the first modern Thai woman to receive full ordination and is Abbess of Songdhammakalyani Monastery. […]
This article, written by Venerable Dr. Bhikkhuni Kusuma for the Sakyadhita Newsletter, describes her journey to become a bhikkhuni […]
This article by Ajahn Candasiri describes her journey to become a 10-precept Siladhara. Inspired by Ajahn Sumedho’s teachings, she began her monastic training at Chithurst as one of the first four anagārikās. […]
Woman of Wisdom, Woman of Power
CCommemorative reflection by Tathālokā Therī on the lunar anniversary of the Parinibbāna of Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī Therī, founding mother of the bhikkhunī sangha […]
Honoring Those Worthy of Honor
Commemorative essay by Tathālokā Therī offered on the occasion of the 2600th anniversary of the bhikkhuni sangha & 30th anniversary of the first contemporary Theravāda Sāmaṇerī Pabbajjās. (PDF) […]
Review by Mary Grace Orr of the book by Wendy Garling on the forgotten stories of women in the Buddha’s life. […]
Photo Credit: Header photo by Sampath Bandara. Photo is of the Upasampada for Ayya Santacari, Ayya Dhammavati and Ayya Vajira, on September 4th, 2016.
From the Dakkhina Dhammathala website: It was a very special and moving ceremony in the Big Cave at Santi Forest Monastery in NSW Australia. Theravada Bhikkhunī Upasampada is very rare and to have this ceremony in the sacred environment of such a beautiful cave was so unique and awe inspiring. Everyone felt touched deep in their hearts by such a breath taking experience. So many had tears in their eyes and even running down their faces or into the tissues.